25kg Extended Rear-Facing (ERF) and Plus Tested Seats

25kg Extended Rear-Facing (ERF) and Plus Tested Seats

Feb 10, 2020Catriona Johnston

The Ultimate Guide to 25kg Extended Rear-Facing and Plus Tested Car Seats

At In Car Safety Centre, we take pride in offering the widest range of 25kg Extended Rear-Facing (ERF) car seats, providing the best protection for your growing child. While rear-facing might seem like a new concept, we've been advocating and supplying rear-facing seats since the 1980s. Despite the proven benefits, rear-facing seats are still not widely discussed, so we’re here to educate parents on why rear-facing is the safest choice for young children.


Why Extended Rear-Facing is the Safest Option

Rear-facing car seats offer unparalleled protection for children, whose developing bone structure and muscle strength are not yet sufficient to shield their vital organs in a crash. A child's head can be up to four times heavier relative to the rest of their body, and their neck muscles are not strong enough to support this weight in a forward-facing crash scenario.

In a forward-facing seat, the harness stops the body, but the head continues to move forward, placing severe strain on the neck and spine. This is why rear-facing seats are recommended—they distribute crash forces more evenly, significantly reducing the risk of injury. You can read more about the safety benefits of rear-facing here.

Our Range of 25kg ERF Seats

We understand that choosing the right car seat can be overwhelming, especially with so many options available. That’s why we offer a diverse selection of 25kg ERF seats, each with unique features to fit different vehicles and family needs. Contrary to popular belief, some 25kg seats are actually more compact than 18kg seats, making them suitable even for smaller cars.

Our range includes seats that only allow rear-facing, many of which are Plus Tested. The Plus Test is a rigorous safety test conducted at higher speeds and shorter braking distances than the standard European tests (ECE R44 and R129). It also measures the forces on the crash test dummy’s neck, which is why forward-facing seats are not Plus Tested—they present forces too high for the neck to handle safely.

Comparing Popular 25kg ERF and Plus Tested Seats

Here’s a breakdown of some of our top 25kg ERF and Plus Tested seats, highlighting their features:

Seat Model Suitable Weight Forward-Facing Option? Plus Tested? Support Leg or Braces on Seat? Weight of Seat Baby Insert Provided?
Britax Max-Way 9 - 25 kg No Yes Support leg 7 kg No, Comfort Insert available separately
Britax Max-Way Plus 9 - 25 kg No Yes Support leg 7 kg No, Comfort Insert available separately
Axkid Minikid 0 - 25 kg No Yes Support leg 11.4 kg Yes
Axkid Move 9 - 25 kg No Yes Support leg 9.8 kg No, Baby Cushion available separately
Klippan Century 9 - 25 kg No Yes Support leg 10.8 kg Yes
Klippan Opti129 61 to 125 cm (up to 32 kg) No Yes Support leg 11.6 kg Yes
Axkid ONE 61 to 125 cm (up to 23 kg) No Yes Support leg & ISOFIX 10 kg No
Axkid ONE+ 40 to 125 cm (up to 23 kg) No Yes Support leg & ISOFIX 10 kg Yes

Finding the Right ERF Seat for Your Needs

If you’re unsure which seat is the best fit for your child and vehicle, we’re here to help. We recommend visiting one of our centres to try the seats in your car, but if that’s not possible, we can assist you over the phone. Our goal is to make your decision as easy as possible, ensuring that you find the safest and most comfortable seat for your child.

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